How would you like free Stampin' Up! products just for purchasing the products you would buy anyway? Well, now's the perfect time to do just that! SALE-A-BRATION is here again.
When I was a customer Sale-a-bration sounded too good to be true. My Dad always taught me to proceed with caution if something sounded to good to be true. So I did. I read everything I could about Sale-a-bration, I looked on the internet, I talked to people who were virtually Stampin' Up! experts. I kept looking for a catch - and I never found one. You know why? There isn't one.
Alright maybe a small one. Here's the "catch" these Sale-a-bration items (with the new punch excluded) are only going to be here from January 5 (that's today) until March 31, 2010. After March 31st, they will be gone forever. That's the "catch". The punch will be available for purchase after this period...but why buy it later when you can get it for free now?
Here's how (choose the option that fits you best):
1. SPEND: Spend $50* and earn one free Sale-A-Bration product of your choice.
2. HOST: Host a workshop of at least $300* and earn one free Sale-A-Bration product in addition to the generous hostess benefits.
3. JOIN: Join Stampin' Up! during Sale-A-Bration and choose a free stamp set ** from the Idea Book and Catalog (valued up to $47.95)
*Net sales before shipping and handling and tax
**Excluding Hostess Sets
And you can earn another stamp set every time you qualify. For example: If you spend $100, you get 2 free stamp sets from the Sale-A-Bration catalog. If you host a work shop with net sales of $600, you get 2 free stamp sets (plus the hostess benefits). It's a great deal - Don't miss it!
If you are interested let me know either in the comment section of this blog or go to my Stampin' Up! Website I can send you a Sale-A-Bration catalog.
Also, the new Occasions Mini Catalog (January 5-April 30,2010) is now out. There are a few items that are only "While Supplies" last, so make sure you get what you want before they are gone. There's something for everyone!